Haskellでは、実にElegantにLambda Calculusを実装できます。これをご覧になれば少しうっとりできるでしょう。
-- church numerals ch_0 = \f x -> x ch_1 = \f x -> f x ch_2 = ch_succ ch_1 ch_3 = ch_succ ch_2 ch_4 = ch_succ ch_3 ch_5 = ch_succ ch_4 ch_6 = ch_succ ch_5 ch_7 = ch_succ ch_6 ch_8 = ch_succ ch_7 ch_9 = ch_succ ch_8 ch_succ = \ n f x -> f (n f x) ch_add = \ m n f x -> m f (n f x) ch_mul = \ m n f -> m (n f) ch_pow = \ m n -> n m ch_pred = \ n f x -> n (\ g h -> h (g f)) (\ u -> x) (\ u -> u) numify n = n (+1) 0 -- church bools ch_true = \ x y -> x ch_false = \ x y -> y ch_and = \ p q -> p q ch_false ch_or = \ p q -> p ch_true q ch_not = \ p -> p ch_false ch_true ch_xor = \ p q -> p (q ch_false ch_true) (q ch_true ch_false) ch_if = \ i t e -> i t e boolify n = n True False -- predecates ch_iszero = \ n -> n (\ x -> ch_false) ch_true
ch_y = \ f -> (\ x -> f (x x)) (\ x -> f (x x))
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: t = t -> t1 Expected type: t Inferred type: t -> t1 In the first argument of `x', namely `x' In the first argument of `f', namely `(x x)'
ch_y f = f (ch_y f) -- sub Y { my $f = shift; $f->(Y($f)) } # ひきょうもの〜!
The Evolution of a Haskell ProgrammerAlso note that we cannot define the Y combinator in terms of the others without running into typing problems (due essentially to issues of self-application).
Dan the Y-discombinator
id id
(\x -> x x) id
は駄目?型についてなにか根本的な理解が欠けてるような気がする... 因みにHaskellでself applyできる関数ってほかになんかあるんでしょうか?