1950年〜2050年までになくなるものをまとめた『Extintion Timeline』 | IDEA*IDEA昔あったよなぁ・・・的なものを2050年までまとめたチャートが興味深いです。もちろんあくまで予想ではありますが、「むむむ、そういうこともあるかもね」とついつい頷いてしまいそう・・・。
What’s Next: Top Trends ? Blog Archive ? Future Files: A History of the Next 50 YearsI promised to create an ‘extinction timeline’ based on some of the content of my new book a while ago - well here it is…http://www.nowandnext.com/PDF/extinction_timeline.pdf
Future FilesPredicting the future is a dangerous game ? the future is never a straight, linear extrapolation from the present. Unexpected innovations and events will conspire to trip up the best-laid plans ? but it’s still better than not thinking about the future at all.
"Future Files" P. 4In Japan there is a social phenomenon called ‘hikikomori’. The phrase roughly translates as ‘withdrawal’ and refers to boys who retreat into their bedrooms and rarely, if ever, come out. In one case a young man shut his bedroom door in his early twenties and played video games, watched TV, and slept for fourteen years. Food was supplied by his mother, who lived downstairs, virtually alone. The phenomenon is a particularly Japanese condition, although nobody can quite understand who or what is to blame. According to experts, there are somewhere between 100,000 and 1 million hikikomori in Japan, caused by everything from absent (always-working) fathers to over-protective mothers.
これは面白そうだと思ってAmazonを検索して出てきたのが、上の書影。どうやらこれの廉価版で、発売は10月。www.futuretrendsbook.com で直販している方を買うか、こちらの廉価版を手に入れるかは後回しにして、[あとで読む]ことに決定。
Dan the Future Filer